
- a leading manufacturer of orthopaedic devices and medical accessories

Om os

I slutningen af 90'erne og starten af det 21'ende århundrede var et vendepunkt for orthopædi og rehabiliteringsbranchen i Polen Indtil da var orthopædi en marginal del af polsk medicin men patienternes behov blev mere og mere tydelige. Derfor startede Slawomir Wronski moderne fabrikation af orthoser Reh4mat orthoser i 2006.
Slawomir Wronski opfinder og designer af Reh4mat ortoserne, arbejder med alle detaljerne. Han ser at kvalitet og følelsen af komfort er helt essentiel for patienterne. Slawomir Wronski er grundlægger og ejer af lignende firmaer og fabrikanter indenfor orthopædi branchen. Gennem en årrække udvikler Slawomir Wronski branchen med succes. Reh4mats ortoser er deignet af et team af teknologer, ingeniører og fysioterapeuter. Derudover er produktionen baseret på Quality Management System 13485. Hver enkelt lille detalje bliver omhyggeligt og minutiøst betragtet med fokus på både sikkerhed og æstetik

The end of 90s. and the beginning of the XXI century was the time of the turn for the orthopaedic as well as rehabilitation branch on he territory of Poland. Up till then, orthopaedic branch was the marginal part of polish medicine but the patients needs were getting more and more noticeable. That is why, Slawomir Wronski gave the beginning of the modern factory of orthopaedic devices REH4MAT in 2006. Slawomir Wronski – the main originator and designer of REH4MAT devices – takes care of each detail. He realizes that the quality and the feeling of comfort are for our patients tremendously essential. Being the founder as well as the owner of similar companies and factories from orthopaedic branch such as Akces-Med or Orto-Res, Slawomir Wronski develops this field for years achieving successes.
REH4MAT braces are designed by qualified team of technologists, engineers and phisiotherapists. Moreover, the production process is based on Quality Management System ISO 13485. Each of the smallest detail is carefully and elaborately considered playing special attention both to safety and aesthetic.
Partner status

Jaroslaw - Polen

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